

Interest Rates


  • What is a Smart Account?

Smart Account is a cheque account that earns interest on the balances maintained and has the flexibility of usage through a cheque book.

  • In what currencies can a Current Account be opened?

A Smart Account can be opened in Hong Kong Dollar and/or United States Dollar.
However, both accounts are separate and cannot be linked to each other.

  • Are there any charges levied on Smart Account?

Yes, please refer to the schedule of charges for a Smart Account.

  • Can I open a joint account?

Yes. You can open a joint account with others up to a maximum of 3 joint holders.

  • How can I open a Smart Account?

You can open a Smart Account either through your Relationship Manger or just walk into HDFC Bank Hong Kong branch.

  • Is there any remittance facility available in Smart Account?

Yes, remittance facility is available. HDFC Bank's Hong Kong branch is a member of USD and HKD CHATS.

  • When do I receive clear funds on local cheques deposited into my account?

Cheques deposited till 3.30 p.m. is sent for clearing the same day. Clear Funds will be available the next working day after 3.00 p.m. with a value date of the date of deposit of the cheque. Cheques deposited after this time will be sent for clearing the next working day.

  • When do I receive credit of the cheques deposited into my account which is payable overseas?

For cheques payable overseas, the clear funds will be available only upon collection net of charges as per schedule of charges governing Smart accounts.

  • Are Smart Accounts protected under Deposit Protection Scheme?

HDFC Bank Limited, Hong Kong Branch is a member of the Deposit Protection Scheme in Hong Kong. Smart Accounts (including credit balance in Overdraft Accounts) opened by the bank are protected by the scheme up to a limit of HKD 500,000 per depositor. Further information on Deposit Protection Scheme in Hong Kong can be found at www.dps.org.hk